RE: New Resources in NYC Pro Bono Center Library

  • Posted by: [email hidden]
  • Date: 02/15/19 5:11PM EST

Thanks, Jess!


I found this nice list of Attorney Wellness Initiatives… State by State. Is this listserv linked on NYSBA’s LAP page?


Jeanne Ortiz Ortiz, Esq.
Pro Bono Net | |
T:  212.760.2554 ext. 456


From: via Pro Bono Net []
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 11:36 AM
To: Attorney Wellness Group <>
Subject: [Attorney Wellness Group] New Resources in NYC Pro Bono Center Library


Hi All,


I've begun to curate some attorney wellness resources in the NYC Pro Bono Center Library.


Please go to the Attorney Wellness folder to see what's there!


Do you have anything to contribute to the library? Please share!


Also, I wanted to share this in the event you haven't already read it:

Every now and then, I feature a lawyer or law student who has something to say on the issue of mental health in the legal profession. Providing a platform for new voices is just as, or even more ...





Jess Penkoff, Esq.

Pro Bono & Strategic Initiatives Coordinator 

(212) 760-2554 x495


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