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Sandy Proof-Of-Loss Clinic (Nassau County)

  • Legal Services
  • Insurance
  • Disaster

Volunteer attorneys are needed to help staff proof-of-loss clinics for Sandy-affected households. Attorneys must have actual experience handling flood insurance claims and must view a training webinar before the clinic (link forthcoming).

If you are an attorney with experience handling flood insurance claims and can volunteer, please email Ben Rajotte anytime before the clinic to let him know at

Touro Law and several NYC legal services providers have coordinated to host clinics to go over what is needed for proof of loss. The clinics are by appointment (strongly encouraged because of anticipated demand).

Wed, April 9: Nassau County
- Time/place: Freeport Recreational Center, 130 East Merrick Road, 10am-6pm
- PLEASE CALL to reserve your space: (646) 786-0887
SPECIAL THANKS to Mayor Robert Kennedy and Nassau County Sandy Liaison Mike Raab for organizing this event