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How to Find and Handle Your First Pro Bono Case 2014

  • Pro Bono

Why You Should Attend

This program is a great opportunity to get a strong overview of the world of pro bono, how it can enrich and advance your professional development, and how to make it happen.

What You Will Learn

How to find the right case:

  • What types of cases are right to meet your goals
  • How to pick pro bono opportunities that fit in with your current employment situation
  • Where to find cases or matters
  • Options in types of volunteering commitments

Handling your first case

  • Ensuring that you are or become competent
  • Handling your first client meeting
  • Understanding your client's circumstances
  • Working with the court
  • Finishing up the case

Who Should Attend

People who have not yet handled their first pro bono case, or have just taken their first matter, and people who work with newer attorneys in professional development or pro bono.

Register for FREE at PLI.

PLI Group Discounts

Groups of 4-14 from the same organization, all registering at the same time, for a PLI program scheduled for presentation at the same site, are entitled to receive a group discount. For further discount information, please contact or call (800) 260-4PLI.

PLI Can Arrange Group Viewing to Your Firm

Contact the Groupcasts Department via email at for more details.


All cancellations received 3 business days prior to the program will be refunded 100%. If you do not cancel within the allotted time period, payment is due in full. You may substitute another individual to attend the program at any time.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Pending
  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
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