Fair Chance Housing

  • 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Practicing Law Institute
  • This event will take place online.
  • Housing

On any given night, over half a million people in our country experience homelessness. For the 700,000 Americans making the transition back into their community from prison or jail each year and the 1 in 3 living with a criminal record, finding housing is a particularly difficult challenge to overcome. “Fair Chance Housing” means that people with criminal records should not have to experience additional barriers to accessing housing because of their record. It also means that policies must follow federal, state and local laws that protect people from unlawful discrimination and laws that regulate background checks. This program will include nationally applicable material on educating yourself, your clients and your community on housing rights with a record, plus lessons from researchers, advocates and organizers on improving access to housing for justice systems-impacted people through policy reform.