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Training for Nonprofits Regarding Immigration Enforcement

  • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • By: New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
  • Human Services Council
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center
  • Immigration
  • Nonprofit/Community Development

Earlier this summer, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) released a special guidance that outlines best practices for nonprofits when assisting and protecting immigrant clients in this new era. As our close community partner and signatory to this guide, we are sincerely thankful for your public support to protect justice and equality in New York. NYLPI, in co-sponsorship with Human Services Council, will be hosting a free legal training for nonprofits and social service providers on this guidance. The training will be led by a panel comprised of expert attorneys who will discuss best practices of the guidance in greater detail, as well as nonprofits and social service providers serving immigrant communities who will share their experiences with these issues. The goal is to educate the nonprofit sector about this resource and provide support around common complex legal questions.