Nontraditional Careers in the Law

Thursday April 18

  • By: New York County Lawyers Association
  • Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Webinar, NY
  • Source: New York


Our panelists will discuss their path from law school to a career related to, but outside, of the traditional practice of the law.


We will talk through their transition and what transferable skills helped them in their new careers.


We will also discuss steps any attorney can take to pursue a nontraditional career using their law degree, knowledge obtained along the way  and their legal experience. There will also be ample time for questions and answers from the audience.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 1 NY Credit: 1 LPM; Transitional and Non-transitional; 1 NJ Credit: 1 General