Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation 2021

  • Ethics

Why You Should Attend

Using a series of hypotheticals, a highly experienced faculty will examine key ethics issues that can arise in pro bono and public interest practice, as well as best practices to avoid these ethics problems.

What You Will Learn

Using "all-new" hypotheticals illustrating ethical issues arising in remote legal services/pro bono representation in different practice settings (including immigration, housing, and nonprofit board service) as the basis for discussion, ethical issues and best practices to be reviewed and analyzed include:

- Who is the client?
- Confidentiality and conflicts
- Scope of representation: how limited scope representation works for law firm and in-house counsel
- Representing clients with diminished capacity
- Second opinions on legal matters
- Nonprofit board service
- Providing remote legal services representation

Who Should Attend

This program will benefit all attorneys engaged in pro bono representation working in law firms or in-house, as well as attorneys practicing in nonprofit and legal services organizations.

**Scholarships are available to participate in this program: