Not-for-Profit Law Institute 2021: Nonprofits Meet the Moment —Legal Issues in Responding to COVID-19 and Calls for Greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: City Bar Justice Center
  • This event will take place online
  • Nonprofit/Community Development

This year’s annual institute focuses on some of the important legal issues confronting the nonprofit and philanthropic world in these unique and difficult times. It will include a keynote address by the general counsel of the path-breaking Ford Foundation, a panel presentation on various perspectives in implementing an effective and legally compliant DEI program, and a discussion of the legal framework and practical considerations in conducting membership and board meetings, programs and other nonprofit offerings remotely.  It will also include a panel discussion on the legal, practical, and regulatory issues relating to nonprofit strategic alliances, as nonprofits consider more efficient and cost-effective ways to work together or restructure in the changing and challenging landscape facing nonprofits.