Bridge-the-Gap II: Ethics and Skills for Newly Admitted New York Attorneys 2019

  • Ethics

Why You Should Attend

Attorneys admitted in New York within the last two years can satisfy their annual MCLE ethics and skills requirements by attending this one-day program. You can satisfy your professional practice and law practice management MCLE requirements at other programs.

What You Will Learn

  • Ethics in Social Media for Lawyers
  • Legal Drafting: Effective Writing to Avoid Litigation Pitfalls
  • Negotiation: Best Practices for Real Results
  • Skills for Pro Bono Work: A Toolkit for Representing Low-Income Clients
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills for New Attorneys

Special Features

  • Earn 3 hours of New York Ethics credit
  • Interactive elements designed to enhance your classroom learning experience
  • Fully satisfy your annual New York MCLE ethics and skills requirement for newly admitted attorneys

