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Bankruptcy Basics for Low-Income Clients 2018 (Free Webcast)

  • Bankruptcy

The Practising Law Institute is offering a free webcast of a live presentation from San Francisco entitled Bankruptcy Basics for Low-Income Clients 2018 on September 12, 2018 from 12:00 pm-8:00 pm.

Although the economy is improving and foreclosures in many parts of the country are in decline due to rising home values, financially marginalized people still file bankruptcy in disproportionate numbers.  Many debtors are unrepresented and bankruptcy clinics are still in great demand. 

There is a critical need for pro bono attorneys to assist low-income clients at all levels.  The practice of bankruptcy law is ever changing (all of the forms changed effective April 1, 2016) and can be quite complicated with even the simplest form of bankruptcy, Chapter 7. 

This basic program was developed for brand new practitioners and those who are either not familiar with the practice or have not practiced bankruptcy law since the passage of BAPCPA.  The program hopes to develop practitioners who will volunteer their time and skills to those who cannot afford representation.  The program will focus on Chapter 7 bankruptcy, from the day a new client walks into your office, to the day you receive notice that they have successfully received a discharge and their case is closed.

What You Will Learn
  • An overview of Chapter 7 bankruptcy
  • Duties and due diligence of the attorney
  • How the discharge works and the effectiveness of the automatic stay
  • How to protect the debtor’s property through exemptions
  • An overview of the means test for the low-income client
  • Issues in bankruptcy to be aware of and understand

This program was designed for practitioners, paralegals and legal assistants who are new to bankruptcy or new to BAPCPA.  It is a basic “How to File a Chapter 7” program.

Who Should Attend

If you would like to volunteer in pro bono clinics, develop bankruptcy as one of your practice areas, or are a new attorney who wants to develop a bankruptcy practice, this program will give you the tools you need to get started in the practice of Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Newly admitted NY attorneys CAN earn ethics, professional practice, and law practice management credits. CANNOT earn skills credits in this format. See exceptions for attorneys outside US. Total Credits: 7.00 Professional Practice: 7.00
  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
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