Immigration Executive Orders: What You and Your Clients Need to Know - Live Webcast Only (Free)

  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Practising Law Institut
  • Live Webcast
  • Access to Justice
  • Immigration

Please join this briefing for an overview of the recent Executive Orders and an examination of the Orders' practical impact.

Topics to be addressed include:

Summary of the recent Executive Orders and litigation update
Examination of the practical effects of the Executive Orders
Impact on visa holders, travel, employment, education
Who is most at risk
Internal enforcement issues
Changes in Administration policies and practices
This free briefing is offered in response to community demand and the great need for training on this topic. For a more in-depth discussion about immigration, please register for PLI's Basic Immigration Law 2017 program on March 2nd (Webcast Only).

Cyrus D. Mehta
Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners PLLC

Cost: $0


  • CLE Credit Comments: CLE-NY Credits Credit Status: Approved Transitional: Newly admitted NY attorneys CAN earn ethics, professional practice, and law practice management creditsCANNOT earn skills credits in this format. Total Credits: 1.00 Professional Practice: 1.00 CLE-NJ Credits Credit Status: Approved Total Credits: 1.20 General: 1.20
  • Contact:
    Leonard McKenzie
    Practising Law Institute
  • Website: