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Marketplace Vulnerability of Limited English Proficient Consumers: Opportunities to Increase Knowledge in Macromarketing

Marketplace Vulnerability of Limited English Proficient Consumers: Opportunities to Increase Knowledge in Macromarketing
Natalie Ross Adkins and Haeran Jae

College of Business and Public Administration, DrakeUniversity, Des Monies, IA,
School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, Virginia

Important macromarketing issues in the twenty-first century include consumer vulnerability, consumer empowerment, immigration, and acculturation. In the United States, the absolute number and percentage of the foreign-born population continues to increase as does the number of people, indicating a non-English primary language spoken in their homes. This large, growing population segment with limited English language abilities faces higher chances of encountering marketplace imbalances. Accordingly, we expand the model of Baker, Gentry, and Rittenburg of consumer vulnerability to capture a dynamic, reflexive marketplace experienced by limited English proficient (LEP) consumers. The integration of a pivotal piece of acculturation research by Berry et al. drives the development of generalized systems diagrams depicting how LEP consumer vulnerability is enacted and facilitates increased understanding of the emergent phenomenon. Potential research questions are identified and organized using the framework of Layton and Grossbart to better position and inform future macromarketing and public policy research.

Key Words: acculturation • consumer vulnerability • empowerment • ESL • public policy development

This version was published on March 1, 2010

Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 30, No. 1, 93-104 (2010)
DOI: 10.1177/0276146709352222

  • Civil Rights
  • Consumer