Elder Abuse: Civil Litigation as a Remedy for Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Older Adults (Webinar)

  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: National Center on Law & Elder Rights
  • Source: Pennsylvania > PA Pro Bono

National Center on Law & Elder Rights logoThe National Center on Law & Elder Rights is presenting a webinar entitled Elder Abuse: Civil Litigation as a Remedy for Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Older Adults on  February 21, 2018 at 2:00 pm Eastern.

The financial exploitation of vulnerable adults is epidemic. While police, prosecutors, and adult protective services offer one course of action, many of these cases end up – or should end up – as civil lawsuits. The procedures for pursuing a civil remedy in these cases often crossover between probate processes and civil actions, and may involve a variety of legal theories. This webinar will cover:

  • Jurisdictional issues
  • Legal theories and remedies
  • Client capacity and vulnerability

This webinar is tailored to experienced civil attorneys serving vulnerable older adults. A recording of a previous webinar detailing the legal basics of financial exploitation is available here.

Closed captioning will be available on this webinar. A link with access to the captions will be shared through GoToWebinar’s chat box shortly before the webinar start time.


Doug Chalgian, Chalgian & Tripp Law Offices
David Godfrey, American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging