March 31: FREE Website Live-Streaming Training - Military Legal Assistance Issues

  • 7:45 AM - 4:15 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: ABA Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel
  • Source: Misc National Sites > ABA Military Pro Bono Project
FREE Website Live-Streaming Training - Military Legal Assistance Issues

University of Richmond School of Law

This is an educational program for lawyers on current developments in the areas of military and veterans’ law. Sessions will cover the recent changes to military pension division in family law matters; child custody and support issues encountered in the military; current areas of concern in consumer law, including “hot topics” being handled by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; issues in veterans law and benefits that military legal assistance attorneys should know; supportive legal resources to assist military families and veterans; and a look at current federal legislative activity affecting servicemembers

This program is designed for military attorneys working in legal assistance as well as civilian lawyers whose practices involve military-connected clients or issues.


The program may be viewed live online at Please view the attached flyer for further information.