
WEAVE Seeks Executive Director

  • 4/11/2005
  • Women Empowered Against Violence, Inc. (WEAVE)

Position Profile
Executive Director
Women Empowered Against Violence, Inc. (WEAVE)

Women Empowered Against Violence, Inc. (WEAVE) is seeking an entrepreneurial executive director to build on our exceptional eight-year record of working closely with adult and teen survivors of relationship violence and abuse, providing an innovative range of legal, counseling, economic and educational services that leads survivors to utilize their inner and community resources, achieve safety for themselves and their children and live empowered lives.
The Organization
WEAVE was founded by American University law school students to provide holistic services to domestic violence victims in the District of Columbia. In 1996, WEAVE's founders conducted a community needs assessment of domestic violence victims in Washington, D.C. The survey results revealed that many women were not receiving the wide range of services that they needed to achieve self-sufficiency and freedom from their abusers. Four specific gaps were identified: (1) domestic violence legal services for the working poor who earn a salary above the poverty line; (2) support services targeting non-immigrant domestic violence victims; (3) legal services for domestic violence victims who need long-term representation in divorce, custody, visitation, and other legal proceedings; and (4) counseling and social services for domestic violence victims.

WEAVE officially opened its doors on September 22, 1997. WEAVE grew at first as a legal service provider, adding full-time case management and counseling programs in 1999 to achieve the founders' vision of providing holistic services. WEAVE serves, on average, 3,000+ clients per year.

Client Services-Offer a full range of client counseling and case management services that support women and their children to develop and implement a plan for living safely and free from violence from partners or spouses, to heal from the impact of being abused, to gain a sense of empowerment and freedom, and to design and live thriving lives.

Emergency Domestic Relations Project-Provide legal intake services to as many victims/survivors of domestic violence who come to the Domestic Violence Intake Centers (DVIC and DVICSES) as need our services, so that they may gain a sense of empowerment from invoking legal protection for their safety.

Legal Services Program-Provide comprehensive legal and educational services that enable victims/survivors of domestic violence to improve the quality of their lives and gain a sense of empowerment, strength and freedom.

Teen Dating Violence Program-Provide preventative education and the full range of WEAVE's services to teen victims/survivors of dating violence in order to reduce the incidence of teen dating violence and to fully engage the support of the community in protecting teens.

Women's Economic Development Fund-Provide economic and education services to victims/survivors of domestic violence that enable them to achieve economic empowerment and self-sufficiency.

WEAVE is governed by a 15-member board of directors. The organization's budget is $1.7 million. Current staffing includes 20 positions, to increase to 24 by September 2005. WEAVE's staff represent a variety of professions including attorneys and social workers. In addition to the main office, WEAVE has three sites including two intake centers. More information on WEAVE may be found at:

The Position
WEAVE is seeking an executive director who has the confidence, knowledge and creativity to lead a growing community-based nonprofit and who will foster the staff, board and community teamwork that is essential to this role. The incoming executive director will inherit a financially solid organization that enjoys a sterling reputation and a cornerstone position in the District's social service community. The incumbent executive director Lydia Watts was one of the cofounders of WEAVE. Lydia is leaving the organization to relocate to the Boston area. She has done a remarkable job to prepare the organization for this transition.

Over the past year, WEAVE has experienced a period of rapid growth in which the staff and budget have nearly doubled in size. While careful attention has been given to the recruitment of skilled individuals, many of the staff members are relatively new to the organization. Similarly, due to turn over of positions from the founding board, about half the board members are in their first year's tenure with the organization. One of the opportunities facing the next executive director will be to marshal these resources into well-oiled governance and staff teams.

Over the next three to five years WEAVE will maintain and enhance its services in the District and consider expanding its services to the greater metropolitan area by creating an exportable model for comprehensive services to domestic violence victims for other jurisdictions.

Toward these ends, our near-term priorities for the next 12-18 months include: (not necessarily in priority order)

· Establish a stronger administrative structure which may include partnering with other organizations to meet infrastructure needs
· Work with the city to improve systemic responses to survivors of domestic violence.
· Strengthen and build upon our existing services to create a "one stop" comprehensive service strategy for victims of domestic violence, potentially through strategic partnerships with other service providers inside and outside the Metropolitan area.
· Expand and diversify funding to broaden our base of support and expand our services- specifically targeting expansion of private and other not for profit funding to balance our government funding.
· Consolidate the gains from WEAVE's recent growth and continue its record as model of sustainability, by nourishing its vibrant staff team, further involving its committed board and continuing to diversify its funding, focusing on sustainable sources.
Key Responsibilities
Reporting to the board of directors, the executive director will provide leadership to the organization and manage its day-to-day affairs. The executive director will also be responsible for working closely with the community, cultivating financial and other support, managing the programs and overseeing paid and volunteer staff.

· Program Development and Administration-Provide leadership in developing program, organizational and financial plans with the board of directors and staff. Assure that the organization has a long-range strategy which achieves its mission, and toward which it makes consistent and timely progress. Ensure that programs are periodically evaluated and revised as needed.
· Communications/Collaboration-Articulate the vision of the organization to a wide range of audiences. Represent the programs and points of view of the organization to external audiences including the general public. Oversee the public relations strategy for WEAVE in conjunction with the director of development. Establish sound working relationships and cooperative arrangements with community groups and organizations.
· Staff Development and Supervision-Maintain a climate which attracts, keeps and motivates a diverse staff of top quality people and encourage staff development and education. Directly supervise four middle management positions and be responsible for the recruitment, employment and release of all personnel that directly reports to the Executive Director. Ensure that job descriptions are developed, that regular performance evaluations are held, and that sound human resource practices are in place.
· Budget and Finance-In coordination with the director of development, fundraise, maintain, expand and diversify a $1.7 million annual budget and develop revenue-generating ideas and programs. Meet with potential and current funders to cultivate relationships and provide updates on WEAVE. Ensure that sound financial practices are developed and maintained. Work with the staff, finance committee and the board in preparing a budget; see that the organization operates within budget guidelines.
· Board Relations-Provide advice and counsel to the board. Ensure that board is kept fully informed on the condition of the organization and all important factors influencing it, including quarterly reports on financial condition. Prepare for and participate in board and committee meetings as appropriate. Assist with the recruitment and orientation of new board members and the development of the board. In conjunction with board leadership, assist in the planning and execution of the annual board retreat and annual board self-evaluation.

Experience and Attributes
Ideal candidates for this position will share our commitment to and belief in WEAVE's philosophy on domestic violence and holistic approach to providing services and will bring a variety of experiences and attributes to WEAVE, including:

· An interest in becoming a champion for WEAVE's mission and the clients we serve. A background working with survivors of domestic violence preferred.

· A proven track record of leadership and management, ideally in a community-based organization or other multi-disciplinary situation, with at least five years of senior management experience.

· Experience managing and supervising a staff with diverse/multi-disciplinary training and expertise. A record of recruiting and developing a talented and diverse staff.

· A record of successfully facilitating change and innovation. A demonstrated ability to grow and develop an organization and further its effectiveness.

· Outgoing nature and political savvy. An independent self-starter who can balance, negotiate and inspire teamwork among the staff, the community and the board of directors.

· Exceptional written and oral communication skills. Integrity, entrepreneurial spirit, indomitable energy and a sense of humor.

· A style with colleagues and staff that is at once direct and decisive as well as collegial and approachable, with an inclination to solve problems collaboratively, coupled with the willingness to act resourcefully, authoritatively and resolutely when necessary.

· Bachelors degree required. Advanced degree in law, social work or other related field is preferred.

Salary will be competitive and commensurate with training and experience.
Application Process
To apply, send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to: (e-mail applications are preferred)
WEAVE Search Committee
c/o TransitionGuides
1751 Elton Rd, Suite 204
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Via Fax: (301) 439-6638
Applications from women and persons of color are encouraged. Resume reviews begin in April.

  • Family / DV