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Superior Court Domestic-Violence Unit Site Visit

  • Family / DV

The Network for Victim Recovery of DC and DC SAFE will offer a tour of DC Superior Court for lawyers who want to learn more about resources available for survivors for domestic violence, dating abuse, sexual assault, and stalking, as well as crime victims more generally. This program is ideal for lawyers considering volunteering for cases involving intimate-partner violence or other kinds of crime victimization.

The tour will illustrate how survivors access Civil Protection Orders in DC and showcase areas of the courthouse visited most commonly by crime victims as complaining witnesses against their assailants. You'll also learn some interesting facts about the courthouse and its history from the perspective of those who've worked there for years!

The tour will include visits to DC SAFE's offices and other domestic-violence resources available in the courthouse. Highlights include spaces run by The Wendt Center for Healing, DC Legal Aid, the U.S. Attorney's Office, the Office of Attorney General, Metropolitan Police Department (and their Victim Advocacy Program), and the Family Law Self-Help Center.

After the tour, NVRDC and DC SAFE will discuss opportunities available for accepting pro bono civil-protection and criminal cases.