LHI Rebuild
LawHelp Interactive Rebuild
LawHelp Interactive (LHI) has rebuilt its technical infrastructure to ensure that it remains a sustainable, scalable national solution for the extensive development and use of interactive legal forms and to better support integration with other systems, such as case management and e-filing systems in courts nationwide as examples. LHI has grown at a rapid pace – from 76,000 documents completed in 2007 to more than 509,000 forms completed in 2014. The service is being used in ever more creative and compelling ways to empower self-represented litigants and increase the capacity of legal services and pro bono attorneys. Interactive forms enabled by LHI are now used at remote court and law library kiosks, in online and brick and mortar self-help centers around the country, and in large group clinics. None of these models of service existed 10 years ago; however, this increasing activity is taking place on a system that reflects legacy architectural and software choices made almost a decade ago. For these reasons, LHI is undergoing a rebuild.
Rebuild Timeline
The development of the new LHI technical infrastructure is complete. In 2013, Pro Bono Net engaged MarLabs Corporation, a leading IT solutions provider, to document the existing LHI technical infrastructure.Under the direction of Pro Bono Net Director of Technology & Operations Doug Carlson, MarLabs worked with the LHI technical and program team to complete the development of this new infrastructure. In addition, a rebuild focus group was held on June 7, 2013 to gather input from the developer community regarding potential administrative workflow changes to LHI. The following is a basic timeline of the rebuild project:
- Code Development: completed mid-August 2014
- Internal Testing: August 2014-April 2014
- User Acceptance Testing: November 2014- April 2015
- Production Deployment: April 20, 2015
Community Testing
LHI partners tested this new infrastructure before launch in the "CommunityQA" environment. For post-launch issue reporting, please send a note to lhi@probono.net. To provide feedback on the rebuild transition, please complete the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KNYG373.
Revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
LawHelp Interactive (LHI) technology and user community have grown, so we have updated our Terms of Use Conditions and Privacy Policy. In addition, the privacy policy and terms of use underwent a plain language review, were re-organized and streamlined so that they are easier to understand for all our users. These changes were made effective on April 20, 2015.
Thanks for visiting this page and your interest in the new LHI platform. Feel free to email Mirenda Meghelli or Claudia Johnson with questions or comments.
Last Updated: June 22, 2015