Pro Bono in New York Webinar Series

Wednesday October 27

  • By: Pro Bono Net
  • Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Tony Lu
    Pro Bono Net

Pro Bono Net is pleased to present its webinar series Pro Bono in New York. This series will highlight exciting pro bono organizations and opportunities, and show you how you can get involved.

Pro Bono in New York Webinar Series Presents
National Pro Bono Celebration Week
Virtual Pro Bono Open House
Description of Session: October 23-30, 2010 is National Pro Bono Celebration Week, and in the spirit of celebrating the time-honored tradition of pro bono publico, Pro Bono Net presents a virtual open house of pro bono opportunities for New York City-area attorneys to learn about a wide range of volunteer opportunities.

The need for legal services in underserved communities in New York is tremendous and legal services organizations are hard pressed to keep up with the demand. Throughout New York the private bar has responded by engaging in pro bono work. Whether it is participating in a one-day legal clinic or providing full representation to a client who would otherwise have been unrepresented, pro bono attorneys make a huge difference to families and communities throughout New York every day.

Hear from four very different pro bono organizations about the many opportunities available for attorneys looking to get involved in pro bono work, all without leaving your own desk. The featured organizations cover a wide range of issue areas, including housing, family law, public benefits, and employment law, and have pro bono opportunities in various venues ranging from state administrative hearings to federal courts.
Participants will receive an overview of the many resources available on, which include libraries of resources created and maintained by experts, trainings and events calendars, and up-to-date news about pro bono service.

Featured Organizations:
• MFY Legal Services, Inc.
• The Urban Justice Center
• Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
• The Legal Aid Society
*CLE credits are not available for this webinar.

Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, from 3pm - 4pm ET.

Who Should Attend: Attorneys interested in learning about pro bono opportunities
What You Need to Participate: This session is delivered via GoToWebinar web conferencing and the phone. You can participate from your own office. Note: in order to run GoToWebinar on your computer, you will be prompted to download a small, free application when you enter the training.

Questions: Please contact Tony Lu at Pro Bono Net (

About Pro Bono Net (PBN): Pro Bono Net ( is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing access to justice through innovative uses of technology and increased volunteer lawyer participation. Pro Bono Net's program's include,, and Pro Bono Manager. Pro Bono Net's web platforms have been adopted in 30 states and regions, reaching approximately two-thirds of the poverty population and lawyers in the United States.

About Pro Bono in New York: The goal of this webinar series is to increase the number of attorneys involved in pro bono work in New York. Each webinar will highlight a New York-based pro bono program and/or substantive legal topic, offering a virtual orientation session to attorneys wanting to learn how to get involved.