Pro Bono in Communities

  • 12:00 PM - 11:05 PM
  • Central Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Bar Foundation
  • TBA
  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

Hear from the Center for Disability & Elder Law, the Legal Aid Society Communities Partnering 4 Peace Program, the Chicago Bar Association’s Lawyers in the Classroom program, and the Chicago Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section about how you can give back in your communities. The panelists will share the impactful work their organizations are doing, discuss how you can get involved as a pro bono volunteer, and provide details on a variety of bite-size in-person pro bono volunteer opportunities as well as opportunities for deeper levels of engagement.


Register here hybrid event (in-person and webinar)

  • CLE Credit Comments: 1 hour of CLE credit subject to approval.
  • Contact:
    Chicago Bar Association