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Virtual Training: Quiet Title for VIP Volunteers (Virtual Event-Philadelphia)

  • Seminar
  • Pro Bono Program/Legal Services Organization
  • Housing

Philadelphia VIP logoPlease join Philadelphia VIP on September 30, 2021 at 12:00 PM for a training on quiet title actions to help low-income Philadelphians get title to their homes.

Philadelphia has long had one of the highest rates of homeownership among American cities. Our low-income neighbors often lack title to their homes and cannot access government services or make repairs.

This training will be led by Fox Rothschild’s Bob Tintner and Ed Hayes, two VIP volunteers and renowned mentors in VIP’s quiet title litigation practice. Attendees will learn the basics of handling a VIP quiet title case and hear from these experienced practitioners about common problems and their solutions.

This training will take place via Zoom. Zoom meeting information will be provided after registration.