Chester County- Pro Bono Reception

  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Legal Aid of Southeastern PA
  • Judge Hall's house
  • Awards and Recognition

Thursday, Oct. 25
All pro bono volunteers are invited to attend.a reception from  5 - 7 p.m. at Judge Hall's house.


The Chester County Bar Association will be sending invitations to LASP's volunteers.


THANK YOU to Pro Bono volunteers!

In honor of Pro Bono Month in October, LASP extends a special thanks to volunteer attorneys. You increase access to justice throughout the year for economically disadvantaged residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties. While the Constitution requires legal representation for those charged with a crime, people who need help with civil legal issues are NOT guaranteed the right to an attorney. LASP provides free civil legal services to low-income residents, and demand exceeds funding. Pro bono attorneys step forward in all four counties we serve to expand access to justice. And in early 2019,  PA attorneys will be able to receive CLE credit for their pro bono service. Approved by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in May, the three-year pilot program is detailed at notes, "The need for legal services among the poor is overwhelming. According to an American Bar Association study, at least 40% of low and moderate-income households experience a legal problem each year. Yet studies show that the collective civil legal aid effort is meeting only about 20% of the legal needs of low-income people."