Justice: An Evening of Stories and Community

  • Social Event
  • Community Education/Outreach

Get to know your fellow justice-minded colleagues and enjoy listening to stories of justice shared by volunteers from the audience. Interested in telling a story? Come prepared to share a five-minute story related to the theme (justice). Those who volunteer to tell stories will be entered in a prize raffle. Storytellers and listeners alike are encouraged to attend!

How the "story slam" works:

1. Interested storytellers will put their name in a hat.
2. Names will be pulled from that hat, at random, to tell their stories. We have a limited amount of time, and so stories will be selected at random. Whether or not we get to everyone's story will depend on level of interest.
3. Storytellers have five minutes on stage to tell their true story related to the theme (Justice). It is important that the story be true, on theme, and told without notes, the best stories are told, not read.
4. When the storyteller is approaching five minutes, a gentle harmonica will warn them. When the storyteller reaches five minutes, a less gentle harmonica will signal the end of their time.
5. Unlike at other story slams, we will not be judging storytellers. Instead, anyone who entered their name in the hat as an interested storyteller will be entered to win some great prizes.

Lawyers, law students, and other legal professionals from all backgrounds are welcome. All events are complimentary and open to the legal community.

Register here:
