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Lunch and Learn: The School to Prison Pipeline and How You Can Make a Difference

  • Criminal
  • Seminar
  • Law School

Giovanni Reid served 26 years in SCI Graterford and was recently released in September 2017. He was sentenced to life in prison as a juvenile, but has maintained his innocence and continues to litigate his innocence claims. While incarcerated, Giovanni helped fellow prisoners with researching and writing their appeals.

La Tasha Williams is a December 2017 Widener Commonwealth graduate currently working as a law clerk and certified legal intern with the Lehigh County Public Defenders. After taking a class offered by Temple University, La Tasha and Giovanni were introduced to each other. Soon after, Giovanni lost his appeal and La Tasha stepped in to advocate on his behalf. La Tasha has effectuated great change through pro bono work, even as a law student!