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Holistic Services at Bread for the City

  • Homelessness
  • Community Education/Outreach
  • Pro Bono

Bread for City supports our neighbors in need in a wide variety of areas, providing vulnerable DC residents with food, clothing, medical care, and legal and social services. Through its network, Bread for the City helps over 10,000 people each month.

At our site visit and tour of this cutting edge program, Kristine Jensen will discuss the panoply of services offered at Bread for the City; among other things, you'll learn why they sometimes need a new truck, a new refrigerator, or a fork lift! Then, Legal Director Su Sie Ju will describe the types of cases that Bread for the City lawyers handle and how you can help Bread as a pro bono lawyer.

Bread for the City has so much to offer, and this is a great chance to learn all about it and get involved too.

The program starts at 11:00 a.m. at the Bread for the City NW office, which is near the Shaw-Howard Univeristy Metro station on the Green Line. (Take the R & 8th Street exit and walk to 7th Street between P & Q Streets.)