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Medical-Legal Partnership Site Visit

  • Community Education/Outreach

The last person that a parent expects to see at the pediatrician's office is a lawyer. But medical-legal partnerships help families get the legal services that they need to improve their children's health. During DC Pro Bono Week, we'll visit an innovative medical-legal partnership that's become an integral part of Children's Law Center's legal work.

Come East of the Anacostia River to meet a Children's Law Center lawyer —who is right in the middle of a neighborhood Health Center. You'll learn about the innovative medical-legal partnership model, and hear the inspiring stories of clients who have obtained better education, housing, and benefits. Medical personnel will describe their experience with having a lawyer join their treatment team. And a tour of the clinic will show you how high-quality medical care can be delivered to low-income DC residents.

Join us in learning how medical and legal issues intersect and how you can get involved with Children Law Center's work.

Pre-registration is required because space is limited. To register, please email Nancy Drane: