The One Campaign

  • Community Education/Outreach

The One Campaign. One Client. One Attorney. One Promise. Attorneys who don’t have at least one pro bono case are encouraged to visit, click on ìCases in Need of Placement with Pro Bono Attorneys.

Cases posted are identified by Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Northeast Florida Medical Legal Partnership and Three Rivers Legal Services.

During October, each JBA standing committee is encouraged to identify at least one pro bono effort that provides a meaningful and manageable opportunity for committee members to increase access to justice for low-income and underserved people.

Also, the goal of the statewide Lawyers in Libraries program is to have volunteer attorneys in public libraries speak with patrons about access to justice and explain online legal resources.

Attorneys advise librarians about online legal resources and answer questions regarding unauthorized practice of law.

Florida Legal Services will develop the presentations.

For more information, email or