Engaging and Representing Youth in their Foster Care Proceedings

  • Family Law/Matrimonial
  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

Presenter: Anne Tyler Gueinzius, Managing Attorney of Children's Law Center of Minnesota

Children's Law Center of Minnesota (CLC) provides legal representation to foster care youth from when they first enter the child protection system as (Child In Need of Protection or Services) CHIPS due to abuse, neglect or abandonment or become state-wards after their parents' parental rights are terminated and until they are either reunified with their family, adopted or age out of the system.

Ms. Gueinzius will present and provide an overview of how to best engage foster care youth in their juvenile protection court proceedings and the important issues they often face within the child protection system. She will explain how children come into the child protection system, the relevant issues they face to their mental, emotional and physical health and well-being and how attorneys can best engage them in making positive changes in their lives.

To register, contact Sara Larison at the Children's Law Center at slarison@clcmn.org or 651-644-4438.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 1.5 hours of CLE credit will be applied for.