MCLE: Overcoming Bias in Medical-Legal Partnerships

  • Health
  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

[formerly titled Ethical Considerations in Medical-Legal Partnerships]

For vulnerable populations, such as low-income families and survivors of trauma, legal problems can cause serious health consequences. Yet attorneys and medical providers alike often fail to recognize opportunities to meet their needs in a collaborative and preventative way. For this reason, the medical-legal partnership (MLP) movement is changing the approach to treatment by integrating public interest attorneys into health clinics and hospitals. In this MCLE, attorneys with MLP expertise will discuss how legal assistance can promote health for low-income and vulnerable clients in various practice areas.

This class covers:

-How to overcome bias to improve health and legal outcome
-How to educate and collaborate with the clients health care team
-How to reimagine pro bono legal assistance in terms of public health

Earn 1 hour Elimination of Bias MCLE credit.

Registration fees: FREE
Classes fill up fast, register today to reserve your seat! All registrants must check-in 10 minutes prior to class time to ensure your seat is not reassigned to waiting-list and walk-in attendees when classes are full.