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PILI’s Annual Awards Luncheon

  • Awards and Recognition

PILI's Annual Awards Luncheon brings together nearly 500 members of the Illinois legal community every year to celebrate the very best aspects of the legal profession: the generosity, expertise and commitment of the countless lawyers, law students, legal professionals, law firms and corporations who dedicate themselves to serving low-income people with legal needs. The Luncheon features several awards to acknowledge those whose work epitomizes the ideals of service, fairness, and justice, including the Distinguished Service Award, the Pro Bono Initiative Award, and two PILI Alumni Awards.

The Distinguished Public Service Award honors an individual whose commitment to public interest work has shaped a career dedicated to service

The Distinguished Alumni Awards recognize one former PILI Intern and one former PILI Fellow for outstanding contributions of public interest and/or pro bono work

The Pro Bono Initiative Award acknowledges a single entity for its significant pro bono work in the community