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Working with Pro Bono Clients CLE

  • Bar Association
  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

Working with Pro Bono Clients CLE
Location: HCBA (600 Nicollet Mall - Suite 390 - Minneapolis, MN 55402)
2.0 Elimination of Bias CLE credits
Free of charge to encourage pro bono brown bag lunch

The stakes are often high when representing a pro bono client. Yet so often an unseen force impedes the representation: a cross-cultural disconnect. Learn specific strategies for overcoming the most common barriers (and frustrations) when representing a client in generational poverty

- Potential cross cultural relationships
- Potential biases that we may need to overcome
- Our (and their) experiences and assumptions around skills, priorities and social conduct
- Suspending our (human) tendency to judge what is different
- Communicating more concretely and effectively
- Specific strategies for overcoming common barriers to success

Martha Delaney, Deputy Director of Volunteer Lawyers Network. Martha has been working with clients in poverty for almost 20 years. She co-authored the nationally published article Working with Pro Bono Clients and ABA brochure that are distributed by pro bono programs around the country.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 2.0 Elimination of Bias CLE credits