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Launch of Free Mobile App For Pro Bono Attorneys

  • Media: Radio, Television, Internet, Print
  • New Initiative Kick-Off
  • Pro Bono Program/Legal Services Organization


Illinois Legal Aid Online launched a new mobile application that encourages and supports the work of volunteer attorneys in conjunction with National Pro Bono Week, October 24 - 28. Illinois, a national leader in applying technology to the delivery of free legal services, is the first state to launch a free mobile application for pro bono attorneys.

The Illinois Pro Bono Mobile App, released for Apple iOs and Android devices, delivers training and practice support materials to legal professionals with smart phones and tablets who volunteer with legal services providers. The app leverages some of's resources to make them more accessible and easier to use on mobile devices.

"Legal professionals have a distinct responsibility to use their specialized skills for the betterment of our communities. I am thrilled to be involved in this year's Pro Bono Week, and I am especially pleased with the notion of "Kindness to Strangers," this week's theme, which resonated to me in this era," said Carrie Di Santo, Vice President and Global Chief Compliance Officer of Aon
Corporation in Chicago and Co-Chair of Chicago's Seventh Annual Pro Bono Week. "The Illinois Pro Bono Mobile App makes it easy for those of us in the corporate sector and at law firms who want to give back to those in most need of our services."

Mobile apps are becoming an increasingly critical means for delivering information as smart phone usage is exploding. MobiLens data from comScore found that 72.5 million people in the U.S. owned smart phones by March 2011, up 15% from the preceding three-month period.

"Continuing advances in technology have made it possible for pro bono and legal aid organizations to serve many more clients as well as to more effectively support pro bono attorneys," said Bob Glaves, Executive Director of The Chicago Bar Foundation. "With mobile technology now becoming the norm for most lawyers, there are even greater possibilities." Glaves added: "Illinois Legal Aid Online has been a leader in using technology to facilitate pro bono and improve access to justice, and their new mobile apps are a great addition to their lineup of resources."