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FREE Bridge-the Gap CLE In celebration of Pro Bono Week

  • Consumer
  • Bankruptcy
  • Courts
  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

To kick off its celebration of Pro Bono Week (October 24-28) the New York State Courts Access to Justice Program has launched its first series of Free Bridge the Gap CLE programs to encourage and facilitate new lawyer pro bono service. Recent law graduates and newly admitted attorneys can fulfill their first or second year mandatory CLE requirements in return for providing free legal assistance and limited representation to unrepresented litigants in NYC's Civil and Supreme Courts. Through the supervised pro bono practicum, participants will gain invaluable experience in lawyering while helping some of New York's most disadvantaged civil litigants. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. To register and for more information call (646) 386-5425 or e-mail

  • CLE Credit Comments: See program flyer at:
  • Contact:
    Laurie Milder
    New York State Courts Access to Justice Program
  • Website: