Digital Forensics: How Producing Text Messages, Facebook and Twitter can Assist with Investigations and e-Discovery

  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

New technology relentlessly thrusts itself into the lives of our clients and many of them adopt it with gusto. Do you find yourself ignoring potentially revealing sources of evidence due to the challenges of keeping up with it? This session will show the value of digital forensic approaches for collection of hard-to-find, but relevant mobile phone and social media evidence that can make the difference for your clients. Come and learn what Minnesota attorneys, paralegals and investigators need to know about text messages, Facebook and Twitter in 2011.

Presenter: John Carney, Esq. Mr. Carney is Chief Forensic Officer and a practicing digital forensic examiner at Carney Forensics. He has a 30 year software engineering and information technology career. He was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab where he studied computer science, computer graphics and software engineering and earned a Bachelor of Science degree. He is a federally and state licensed Minnesota attorney with a law firm in St. Paul. He is a Minnesota Qualified Neutral and licensed as a mediator and arbitrator. He serves on the Council of the Minnesota State Bar Association's Computer and Technology Law Section. He was educated at Hamline University School of Law where he earned a Juris Doctor degree and Certificate in Dispute Resolution. Mr. Carney is an Adjunct Professor at Hamline University and sits on the Computer Forensics Advisory Board at Century College.

Registration begins at 9:15 a.m.
Presentation 9:30 - 12:45
12:45 LUNCH (provided upon request)

(Parking is available in the south parking lot of Cash Wise across from Bremer Bank)
Free to Volunteer Attorneys
$30 for Non-Volunteer Attorneys
$15 for Non-Attorneys