Refugees and Asylees: Issues with Adjustment and Naturalization

  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: American Immigration Lawyers Association
  • This event takes place telephonically.
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center
  • Asylum Procedure

Working with refugees and asylees is rewarding, but not without its challenges, whether you are working with Middle Eastern or Central American clients, or clients from other parts of the world. Our panel of experts will discuss general and region-specific issues. Learn how to address potential pitfalls, overcome obstacles, and help your refugee and asylee clients adjust status or apply for naturalization.

Featured Topics:

  • A Case of Stolen Identity: When a Refugee Lies About His or Her Identity
  • When a Refugee Leaves Out Material Information: Pre-Adjustment Versus Post-Adjustment
  • Which Waivers Can Fix Refugee Errors? When Can They Be Used?
  • When a Refugee Wants to Bring Previously Unmentioned Relatives
  • “But, I’m Not a Terrorist!”: Identifying Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds (TRIG) and Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP) Cases
  • Coordinating with BIA Representatives and Refugee Agencies


  • Stephen Yale-Loehr (DL), AILA Asylum and Refugee Committee Chair, Ithaca, NY*
  • Stephen Manning, AILA Board of Governors, Portland, OR*
  • Nancy Alaine Peterson, St. Paul, MN*

*Invited, not confirmed

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  • CLE Credit Comments: AILA will administer CLE credit to individuals who register for and dial in to the seminar only. AILA cannot verify your attendance and participation in this program unless you register directly for the seminar and use your own telephone line to participate in the call. Therefore, persons who listen in on the call as part of a group will not be able to obtain CLE credit.