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Working with Experts on Country Conditions in Asylum Cases for Juveniles

  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: The Safe Passage Project at New York Law School
  • New York Law School
  • Source: Unaccompanied Children (Decommissioned) > Unaccompanied Children Resource Center
  • Country Conditions
  • Children

Are you working on an asylum claim for a young person from Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador? Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from experts and learn about country conditions to build your young person’s case. In the past two years over 100,000 youth from Central America have traveled to the United States. The children are primarily arriving from El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras. These are three of the five most dangerous nations in the world according to the United Nations measure of civil safety. Many of the children are fleeing endemic violation and/or police corruption. Others had no choice but to leave because the child was in danger from domestic violence and lacked child welfare protection from governmental authorities. The Safe Passage Project at New York Law School has invited several country condition experts to present current information about El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. This program is also a CLE on how to work with Expert Witnesses in Immigration Proceedings before USCIS or EOIR.


  • Moderator: Claire R. Thomas, Director of Training, Safe Passage Project and Adjunct Professor, NYLS
  • Commentator: Michele Pistone, Professor of Clinical Law, Villanova Law School
  • El Salvador: Elizabeth Kennedy, Fulbright Scholar and Karla Castillo, researcher
  • Guatemala: Lidia Climent-Martinez, Executive Director of Global Humanitaria, an international non-profit protecting and advocating for children's rights worldwide
  • Honduras: Gracie Murphree, founder and President of the Heart of Christ-Corazon de Cristo Inc.


  • 12:00 to 12:05 - Professor Lenni B. Benson, Welcome and Introductions
  • 12:05 to 12:20 - Professor Michele Pistone, Overview of the Need for Experts in Asylum Applications
  • 12:20 to 12:45 - El Salvador
  • 12:45 to 1:10 - Guatemala
  • 1:10 to 1:35 - Honduras
  • 1:35 to 2:00 - Panel Discussion, including how to request expert affidavits, suggestions for working with an expert, and finding experts.


  • CLE Credit Comments: 2 hours skills for in-person attendees. Written materials for this CLE will be available for download for all registrants on June 6, 2016.