Asylum Law & Procedure for Pro Bono Advocates

  • Asylum Office Procedure

LCCR Presents a Two Afternoon Seminar for Pro Bono Attorneys, Interpreters and Nonprofit Legal Workers.


  • Monday, September 17
    - 3:00 - Overview of Law, with focus on "Particular Social Group" Ground for Asylum
    Blaine Bookey, Staff Attorney
    Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, UC Hastings
    - 4:45 - Ethics Issues in Asylum Cases
    Jeffrey Martins, Joye Wiley, Jeffrey O'Brien
    Members of the Pro Bono Asylum Program Mentor Attorney Panel
  • Tuesday, September 18
    - 3:00 - Taking Your Refugee Client through the Asylum Process:
    The Support Team and Resources
    Alison Kosinski, pro bono attorney
    Veda Arias, volunteer interpreter
    Shawn Matloob, Pro Bono Mentor Attorney Panel
    - 4:45 - Presenting the Asylum Case in Immigration Court
    The Honorable Amy Hoogasian, United States Immigration Court,
    in personal capacity [requested]

Seminar Registration:
Click here for registration form and additional information. Registration is free to pro bono volunteers of LCCR and other nonprofit programs and nonprofit legal workers, law students and interpreters. The cost for all others is $30 MCLE credit or $175 non volunteer.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights certifies that this activity has been approved or MCLE credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of 5 hours (including 3 hours General, 1 hour Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession, 1 hour Ethics).