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Bay Area Legal Services, Inc.

  • Location:
    Corral Wodiska Cigar Factory
    1302 N. 19th Street, Suite 400
    Tampa 33605
  • Phone: 813-232-1343
  • Website: http://www.bals.org

General Phone: 813-232-1343
Intake Phone: 813-232-1343 (Hillsborough); 800 – 955-8771 (Pinellas, Pasco, Sarasota, Manatee)
Senior Legal Helpline Intake:  888-895-7873

  • County(s) of Volunteer Opportunity: Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota
  • Area of law: Debt/Credit/Bankruptcy, Employment, Health, Housing, Public Benefits, Adoption, Community Economic Development, Child Custody, Dissolution of Marriage, Individual Rights, Real Estate, Wills, Probate, Debt Collection
  • Populations Served: Financial eligibility based on LSC guidelines Alien status eligibility based on LSC restrictions. Hillsborough County and the city of Tampa.
  • Malpractice insurance is provided for volunteers: No
  • Training Provided: No
  • Training Required: No
  • CLE credit for trainings: No
  • CLE credit for pro bono: No
  • Mentoring or supervision offered: No
  • Volunteer lawyers need to meet a caseload or hours requirement: No
  • Volunteers may participate long-distance: No
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