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Alaska Immigration Justice Project

  • Location:
    431 W. 7th Avenue
    Suite 208
    Anchorage, AK 99501
  • Phone: 907-279-2457
The Alaska Immigration Justice Project is a non-profit agency that provides low-cost immigration legal services to immigrants in all immigration applications, including citizenship applications, permanent resident status, work permits, family petitions, and petitions for domestic violence victims. AIJP also runs a pro bono aslyum project for volunteer attorneys.
  • State(s) of Volunteer Opportunity: Alaska
  • Area of law: Immigration & Naturalization
  • Populations Served: Asylum Seekers, Children, Communities of Color, Domestic Violence Victims, Elderly, Immigrants, Low Income, Women, Working poor and unemployed
  • Opportunities For: Law Students, Lawyers, Mentors, Nonlitigation Projects, Paralegals, Senior Lawyers
  • Hours for Pro Bono Opportunities: Flexible
  • Malpractice insurance is provided for volunteers: Yes
  • Training Provided: Yes
  • Training Required: No
  • CLE credit for trainings: No
  • CLE credit for pro bono: No
  • Mentoring or supervision offered: No
  • Volunteers may participate long-distance: No
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