National Fundraising Conference

  • By: Management Information Exchange
  • The Allerton Hotel Chicago
  • Source: CALegalAdvocates (Decommissioned) >
  • Other
  • Attorneys / Legal Services

We have already lined up some exciting outside experts who will inspire us to increase our resources by engaging potential and current donors more fully and effectively in our work:

Deborah Knupp, Partner, Akina Corporation ( Deb, an expert on engaging and communicating with lawyers, will lead a plenary on building the strong relationships you need to turn them into major donors. Bob Glaves and David Gee of the Chicago Bar Foundation recommended her to us, after hearing her speak and then engaging her as a CBF volunteer.

Michael Hoffman, See3 Communications ( Michael specializes in creating on-line strategies and websites that are channels for effective, donor-centric fundraising. Many of you will remember Michael's break-out session at the 2009 conference, which received such rave reviews that we have asked him to return to do a plenary session.

Mary McClymont, Public Welfare Foundation (, and Sandra Ambrozy, The Kresge Foundation ( As many of you know, these two foundation officers are deeply committed to Access to Justice. They will work with us to do a better job of developing and communicating our message to foundations at the local, regional and national levels.

We are recruiting other outside experts who will focus on board development, strategic planning, staffing for resource development, the details of major individual donor work and non-LSC federal funding.

***This is information that Fundraisers and Executive Directors alike NEED in our work today!***

National Directors Conference
July 17, 2013

Members of MIE's Board of Directors are currently planning a day of must-know information and learning on the topics of paramount importance for Executive Directors today. Topics may include: managing people well, supporting excellent creative work, improving salaries, revenue projections and financial management. Save the dates and stay tuned for more information!

Note: Development staff - Please encourage your executive director to attend the Directors Conference and then stay for the Fundraising Conference. We are offering a discounted price of $515 for both conferences, and we are offering sessions that will help directors be more effective leaders of strong fundraising organizations.

Executive Directors - You are encouraged to stay for the full 3 days, for the discounted price of $515 for both conferences. The director's role in resource development has become more critical as funding sources have changed during this economic upheaval. Learn how to better lead your organization to a more stable future.


Costs for Each MIE Conference:

Fundraising Conference: $415 for 2 day conference
Directors Conference: $200 for 1 day conference

Directors Conference + Fundraising Conference: $515 for three days

Rooms at the Allerton Hotel Chicago are $149/night plus tax, free internet

The Allerton Hotel Chicago

701 N. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60611


More information will be available soon.