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National Center for Youth Law Launches New Website

The National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) has launched its new website! The site includes information about our latest legislative, policy, and litigation efforts to improve the lives of poor children. News, events, upcoming trainings, and a variety of publications that can be downloaded from the site are also available.

The new site allows visitors to sign up for NCYL email news, subscribe to our quarterly legal journal, Youth Law News, and donate online.

Special thanks to website designers Marc Infield and Richard Fowler of Infield Design in San Francisco, and NCYL Communications intern Tara Ellicott.

Among the news and updates currently featured on the website:

· NCYL's 2006 Foster Care Reform Litigation Docket (see below)
· An order in Katie A v. Bonta requiring the state of California to provide community based mental health care to tens of thousands of foster children

· NCYL's county-by-county data study on child welfare outcomes in California
· The San Francisco Chronicle Editorial campaign to reform California's child welfare system

2006Foster Care Reform Litigation Docket
The new site includes NCYL's latest edition of the Foster Care Litigation Docket, which provides basic information on child welfare reform cases nationwide. The Docket lists cases that are currently in active litigation, subject to a pending settlement agreement, or are significant in some other respect. The Docket also describes a small sampling of damages cases. Each case summary contains identifying information, citations, contact information for current plaintiffs' counsel, brief summaries of the issues raised by the case, procedural history, and current status.

Many cases include the Clearinghouse Review number, which allows access to all pleadings in the case. Otherwise, pleadings are available through the plaintiffs' attorneys, whose contact information is provided in the Docket.

The Docket has proven to be a vital resource for advocates working to reform child welfare systems.

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