LSNTAP Community Training Series - Triage and expert systems in legal aid: New tools to assist people in need and the advocates that serve them

  • Training

Date: Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014
Time: 1 pm ET / 12pm CT / 11 am MT/ 10 am PT

This webinar will highlight new tools and approaches that aid advocates with legal screening, triage and analysis activities, and help litigants navigate unfamiliar legal processes. We'll hear from panelists working on cutting edge projects in the nonprofit legal sector, how expert systems can enhance service delivery and support community partnerships, and tools and techniques that focus on balancing considerations rather than applying rules. Join us to hear about what's new - and what's next - in this area.


  • Zach Hutchinson, Student and Research Assistant, Georgetown University Law Center
  • Adam Friedl, Program and Special Initiatives Manager at Pro Bono Net
  • Donna Dougherty, Attorney-in-Charge at JASA/Legal Services for the Elderly in Queens
  • Marc Lauritsen, President, Capstone Practice Systems


  • Liz Keith, Program Director, Pro Bono Net

Webinar Details
Register: The training will be held via, so no pre-registration is required.

Join the meeting:

Join the audio conference:
No matter how you join the conference, everyone will be on the same audio call.

By phone:
Join the meeting, click on the phone icon and select "Join by phone." Dial the number and then the conference ID when prompted.

By computer via internet:
Join the meeting, click the phone icon and select 'Join by internet'. Click "Connect."

For questions about these trainings, please contact Jillian Theil of Pro Bono Net at or (415) 400-8662, or Brian Rowe of Northwest Justice Project at or (206) 395-6094 or through chat.