
Access legislation goes to the Governor

  • 9/16/2006
  • LAAC
  • Source: CALegalAdvocates (Decommissioned) >
Two important pieces of legislation relating to access to justice have passed out of the legislator and gone to the Governor.

SB 56 (Dunn) would add additional judgeships around the state, a necessary move particularly in geographic regions that have seen explosive population growth without much increase in the number of judges. Some regions have had to repeatedly shut down the civil courts to addess the mandatory timing of criminal cases. SB 56 went to the governors desk on 9/13/06.

Click here to check the status of SB 56.

AB 2302 (Judiciary) relates to the provision of court interpreters in civil cases. AACRE - Asian Americans for Civil Rights & Equality - is coordinating the statewide effort to ensure the Governor is aware of support of the legislation. A template support letter is available on the AACRE website; you can also access a Fact Sheet about the bill on the AACRE website.

Because it is a busy time of year for the Governor's fax machine, if you have problems sending your fax, you can also fax it to the AACRE office at 916-448-6774 and AACRE staff will deliver your letter for you.

Click here to check the status of AB 2302.
  • Pro Bono / Legal Services