Bay Area
Bay Area lawyers serving the public good.

VLSP Volunteer Opportunity
Psychiatric/Psychological Evaluator - SSI for Adults

Tina Canas-Brown
VLSP Social Services Manager

Low-income people with disabilities may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).  A critical tool in determining eligibility is a psychological evaluation.  Many low-income people are unable to find psychiatrists or psychologists to conduct these evaluations. 

As of January 1, 1997, due to changes in the law, nearly 3,000 men and women in San Francisco who received SSI or SSDI, for which alcohol/drug addiction was a contributing factor to the finding of their disability were discontinued.  Many of these people have mental disabilities that qualify them for SSI or SSDI, but they must prove this before they can get their benefits.  SSI makes a huge difference in people?s lives, providing them with the resources they need to procure housing and food.  Without SSI many people fall into homelessness.

* M.D. in psychiatry or Ph.D. in psychology or social work

* Sensitivity to persons of different educational, economic, cultural, racial or ethnic        backgrounds

* Attend an evaluator training

* Conduct psychiatric/psychological evaluations of adults who may qualify to receive SSI benefits

* Work under the supervision of HAP staff

* Training session (persons on SSA panel or experience doing vocational rehab evaluations are exempt from this training)

Evaluations can be arranged according to your schedule.  Meeting space is available at the HAP office or clients may come to your private office

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