“Because of Sex”: Federal Protections for LGBT People

  • Other
  • Pro Bono / Legal Services

Why You Should Attend
Since the 1970’s and particularly after the Supreme Court’s decision in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, the issue of whether federal sex discrimination laws protect LGBT people has been litigated all over the country. Courts have evaluated this key legal issue in different ways and in a variety of contexts, resulting in an unpredictable legal landscape for LGBT people and their families. In this session, we will provide a historical analysis of how courts have addressed this issue in the employment, school, and healthcare contexts as well as a roundup of key recent and pending cases to watch. We will also identify emerging issues and detail best practices that employers, schools, and health insurance providers should adopt to protect LGBT people and their families.

What You Will Learn
• Historical overview of sex discrimination decisions around the country
• Key cases regarding this issue and cases to watch
• Emerging issues and litigation strategies in the employment, schools, and healthcare contexts
• Best practices for employers, schools, and health insurance providers

Who Should Attend
Attorneys, employers, and other professionals looking to expand their knowledge of federal sex discrimination law. Attorneys litigating sex discrimination cases on behalf of LGBT plaintiffs are encouraged to attend and will gain practical skills for litigating claims. Employers, school administrators, and insurance providers who want to implement best practices regarding LGBT employees, students, and plan participants.