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National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights

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Folder: Resources > COMMUNICATIONS > Media Watch

Welcome to the National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights (NCRCR) Media Watch Project. Media Watch is an important tool designed to hold media outlets accountable, while encouraging fair and balanced coverage of courts, their decisions, and their impacts on American life. In recent years the federal courts have become increasingly hostile to civil rights. Decisions they have rendered have left millions of people vulnerable to discrimination and with little or no recourse. Mainstream media isn't paying attention and everyday Americans are largely unaware that this is taking place. When there is coverage it is often understated, misleading, biased or steeped in jargon. With an eye toward addressing this problem, we are calling upon you to help us monitor news coverage about the courts in the print and electronic media.

Media Watch works in the following way:

  1. Sign up for the NCRCR Media Watch Project group to receive weekly NCRCR alerts and talking points on recent issues in the courts.
  2. Use those talking points to write Letters to the Editor and Opinion Editorials.
  3. Find your local media contacts and send in your Letters to the Editor and Opinion Editorials.
  4. Let us know if you have been published, and on which issue.

Together, we can ensure the American public is well informed on the decisions that affect us all. Thank you for joining the NCRCR Media Watch team.