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Training: Right to Counsel NYC Bronx Court Watch

  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Right to Counsel NYC Coalition, Community Action for Safe Apartments (CASA), Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coaltion
  • Concourse House
  • Housing

Just one year after the tenant movement won historic legislation making eviction defense a right, landlords are fighting back. In the Bronx, where landlord attorneys historically never showed up to court before 11, they are showing up at 8:30am in an effort to dissuade tenants from claiming their right to an attorney, with deals and veiled threats if they don't "lawyer up." In the hallways, the racist and sexist behavior of LL attorneys is hurled both at tenants and at their attorneys. Because the volume of cases in the Bronx is still so high, most conversations and interactions still happen in the hallways.

Come to this training to learn how to partner with the neighborhood based tenant organizing groups---Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition and Community Action for Safe Apartments (CASA)---to learn how to document landlord attorney behavior and help guide tenants through the process to claim their rights. The courts are public buildings and we all have a right to observe and document what's happening there, but housing attorneys will be present to orient you to your rights.

We fought this campaign to reclaim the courts that have been weaponized by landlords and used as a tool of displacement, in order to build tenant power. And we will. Come be a part of making this new law a right that tenants can claim to build their power.

Please only RSVP if you can both attend the training and commit to at least 10 hours/month of volunteering in the court.

Dinner, childcare and Spanish/English Interpretation will be available.