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Franz Joseph Och Google's translation uber scientists talk about Google Translate

March 11, 2010 | 11:56 am
This week we wrote about Google's Translate application and how it could eventually change the way people communicate, overcoming the language barriers that have long separated human populations. Franz Josef Och leads the machine translation (MT) team at Google, and has been the driving force behind much of the company's progress on the technology. The following is an edited transcript of a recent interview with Och.

How often do you add new languages to Google Translate?

Franz Josef Och.
Credit: Google. Since October 2007, about every quarter or two, we've added a significant new number of languages. With each of those launches, we were also able to improve quality. So that in the last 2 1/2 years, we've reached 52 different languages, and I think we've made very nice strides in making the translation technology much better.

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At the end of this article there is a video demo of the interpretation tool for the Android phone.

  • Attachment(s): LINK
  • Organization: Los Angeles Times
  • Date Created: March 29, 2010
  • Last Updated: March 29, 2010
  • Civil Rights
  • Technology