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LivePerson Contact:
Younjee Kim
Pro Bono Net Contact:
Liz Keith

Nonprofit Legal Aid Organizations Use LivePerson to Make a Difference

Live Chat Helps Attorneys and Volunteers Increase Access to Justice and Deliver Personalized Online Assistance to the Poor 

NEW YORK, NY – May 20, 2008 Pro Bono Net, a national nonprofit dedicated to increasing access to justice, today announced that live chat technology from LivePerson, Inc. (Nasdaq: LPSN), a provider of online engagement solutions that facilitate real-time assistance and expert advice, is being used to help pro bono attorneys and legal aid advocates assist underserved communities. Pro Bono Net and its nonprofit legal aid partners use live chat to guide website visitors to relevant legal information and online resources in real time.

Live Chat Experiment Proves Successful
After realizing that website visitors were sometimes having difficulty finding answers to their questions and abandoning their online searches, Pro Bono Net sought an effective tool to serve targeted populations online.

Pro Bono Net initially partnered with Montana Legal Services Association and Iowa Legal Aid to pilot the use of LivePerson’s live chat technology on two statewide legal aid websites in the LawHelp network: MontanaLawHelp.org and IowaLegalAid.org.

The objective of the “LiveHelp” pilot project, funded by the Legal Services Corporation, was to increase access to information regarding legal resources for low-income people by providing online assistance via chat. LiveHelp agents are available to direct people to the legal information they need on the websites, including answers to questions about legal rights, tools for those going to court without a lawyer and, if legal advice is needed, referrals to legal aid organizations. A formal evaluation of the pilot project concluded that users were opting to use the LiveHelp feature in increasing numbers.

 “After a comprehensive evaluation, our pilot project using LivePerson was found to be an important success,” said Liz Keith, Pro Bono Net’s LiveHelp Project Manager. “LiveHelp enables Pro Bono Net partners to more effectively serve low-income people, and ensure that people needing extra help on the websites can find the legal resources they need to protect their rights.”

From Law Students to Volunteers and Staff Members: Serving the Community with Chat
A wide variety of dedicated individuals staff the LiveHelp project—AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers,  law students, paralegals, interns, attorneys and staff members—to help low-income clients navigate through online legal information and resources.

Live Chat Program Expands
Pro Bono Net has partnered with other legal aid organizations to integrate LiveHelp on:
•    LawHelp.org/LA, Louisiana’s online guide to free legal help and information for low-income people
•    GeorgiaAdvocates.org, Georgia’s online resource for legal advocates and pro bono attorneys advising low-income or disadvantaged clients
•    Arlegalservices.org, the statewide legal information website hosted by the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership
•    LawHelpMN.org, the statewide legal information website hosted by the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition

LiveHelp Highlights
In addition to concluding that LiveHelp is a highly valuable addition to the access to justice delivery system, the independent evaluation found that LiveHelp:
•    Has high satisfaction levels and usage of the service is growing steadily
•    Significantly increases the extent to which users feel they had access to information needed to understand their legal rights
•    Appears to increase users’ confidence in their ability to follow through and resolve their problems

“We’re honored that Pro Bono Net relies on LivePerson for this very worthwhile initiative,” said Philippe Lang, LivePerson’s Senior Vice President, Small Business. “While the for-profit community leverages our live chat technology to increase sales and customer satisfaction, it’s rewarding that the non-profit sector also uses our technology in such an innovative, effective and community-minded manner.”

The Technology Behind Pro Bono Net’s LiveHelp Program
For more information on LivePerson’s live chat software, please visit http://solutions.liveperson.com/sb/

Case Study
To read the complete case study of how Pr Bono Net uses live chat to assist website visitors, please visit
About Pro Bono Net
Pro Bono Net (www.probono.net) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing access to justice through innovative uses of technology and increased volunteer lawyer participation. Founded in 1998 with support from the Open Society Institute, Pro Bono Net has created a broad and powerful network of nonprofit legal organizations, courts and bar associations across the United States. Its platforms have been adopted in 30 states and regions, reaching approximately two-thirds of the poverty population and lawyers in the United States. Pro Bono Net receives support from foundations, law firms and corporate sponsors including ALM, Epiq Systems and Pitney Bowes. For more information, please visit www.probono.net.

About LivePerson
LivePerson is a provider of online engagement solutions that facilitate real-time assistance and expert advice. Connecting businesses and experts with consumers seeking help on the Web, LivePerson’s hosted software platform creates more relevant, compelling and personalized online experiences. Every month, LivePerson’s intelligent platform helps millions of people succeed online; more than 6,000 companies, including EarthLink, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Qwest, and Verizon, rely on LivePerson to maximize the impact of the online channel. LivePerson is headquartered in New York City.


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