Welcome to ProBono.Net/La 2.0 - we are happy you're here!

Probono.net/la is an online resource created by a unique collaboration of the Louisiana civil justice system. The project is financially supported by the Louisiana Bar Foundation and administered by Lagniappe Law Lab.

Over 100 civil legal aid attorneys and staff member call ProBono.Net/La home online. Volunteers, staff and students who work through volunteer or pro bono programs, non-profit advocacy organizations, or law school clinics, to meet the critical civil legal needs of Louisiana's indigent residents, are invited to join this coalition.

We welcome and encourage contribution of all types of appropriate content. In the library, you can find and share briefs, memos, caselaw, technology tools, videos, and more. Using our online calendar, you can find and submit upcoming legal events like ask-a-lawyer sessions, statewide CLEs, and pro bono awards ceremonies. In our groups, you can follow and share interesting conversations about changes in the law, discover case strategies, and ask for help.

Our goal is to engage the entire Louisiana Civil Justice Community online and to advance the practices of public interest lawyers and pro bono volunteers.

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