

  • 7/17/2008
  • The National Consortium for Capital Defense Training

The National Consortium for Capital Defense Training, with the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, announce a "Bring-Your-Own-Case" CAPITAL DEFENSE MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING for capital defense practitioners on October 17-18, 2008 in New Orleans, LA. The goal of this training is to increase the knowledge base and skills of capital defense practitioners in the area of mental health.

Space is limited, but applicants are encouraged to attend in teams to maximize multi-disciplinary input in case brainstorming. Ideally, two-four team members per case should apply B including attorneys, mitigation specialists, and investigators. Priority will be given to trial cases authorized as capital, or challenges to death sentences in post-conviction proceedings. There is no registration fee for this training, and travel and accommodations can be subsidized.

The training will include approximately 40 participants from across the country who will work closely with faculty in large group plenary sessions and small group workshops utilizing a client-centered approach and focusing exclusively on mental health issues in capital cases. Topics to be addressed in the training will include brain development and disorders, cognitive and developmental issues, trauma, substance abuse, specific mental illnesses and conditions, race and cultural competency in mental health assessments, and the impact of client mental health issues at every step in capital case proceedings.

Program faculty are leading mental health professionals and capital defense practitioners who focus on mental health issues, including Richard Burr, Scharlette Holdman, Denise LeBoeuf, and Kathleen Wayland.

Participants will be provided materials with which to apply for CLE credits.

We hope you are able to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

For more information and to apply to attend, contact:

Tanya Greene, Training and Assistance Counsel
National Consortium for Capital Defense Training
P.O. Box 567, Kingsbridge Station
Bronx, NY 10463
(718) 514-3305 phone
(718) 432-2567 fax

  • Other Death Penalty